Online Education Removing Barriers to Learning

Online Education Removing Barriers to Learning


Distance learning —online learning or e-learning at a larger scale is another mode that has changed the way education is delivered and consumed. It provides an alternative approach to learning that avoids the limits of prior paradigms in academia.

Characteristics of Distance Learning

Flexibility: Students are able to learn at their own pace and leisure.

Accessibility — no geographic barriers, any one can access it.

Various Learning Resources: Blend the reading, listening, watching and practicing materials.

Online Collaboration — chances to connect with teachers and classmates in online forums, chat rooms, as well as video conferencing.

Ownership: This means that students are aware of their learning and where they are in the process.

Types of Distance Learning

Asynchronous Learning: This is when the student accesses course materials and completes assignments on their own schedule.

Synchronous Learning = Live online classes or video conferencing where instructors and peers can interact in real-time

Hybrid Learning: Combining online and face-to-face instruction

Benefits of Distance Learning

Cheap: Less tuition and other living fees & accommodation are way cheaper.

Work-Life Balance: The Best Work, Family And Education Commitments

Adaptive learning: Adaptive learning that can be personalised

Worldwide Availability — Access to a number of courses & instructors across the globe.

Ecological: Less carbon emissions and paper utilization.

Distributed Learning Difficulty

Self Motivation: it demands great amount of self-discipline and proper management of time.

Technical difficulties can be a barrier to learning

Absence of Informal Interaction: Few avenues for in person connections with classmates and educational facilitators.

Digital Divide: Limited access to technology and the internet can be a barrier for some learners.

Distance Learning: The Future

Thanks to developments in distance education technology and a new breed of laboratories learning with range, the future looks good for distance studying.

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