Qualitative Answers The Why and How

Qualitative Answers The Why and How

Qualitative analysis means the method of research adopted to use non-numerical data in order to gain an insight on a given phenomenon or problem ⇒ something you are going to break down into parts. It prioritizes meaning, experience and perception.

Qualitative Analysis Characteristics in the Context of Niche Business Category

Humans make sense of their environmentQUALITATIVE ADJUSTMENTFlexible form:needs interpretationSubjective interpretation and understanding is a reasonable characteristic of qualitative research.

Induction: Scientists draw conclusions from specific cases and trends.

Qualitative nature Qualitativeness → Qualitativa Richness: qualitativas data is often rich and detailed (located more toward the lower end of >)

This is all great because qualitative research is: flexible, can change according to the situation, and/or reflect new themes.

Common Qualitative Methods

Interviews: Deep conversations with participants to learn more about how they experienced and thought about things.

Focus groups: Group discussions to investigate one topic or issue

You can use such methods as take notes on observation- observe how WHOM you want to see, for example.

Case Study — a closer look at certain cases or subjects.

Content analysis: examining written or visual texts for common themes.

Where Is Qualitative Analysis Used

Qualitative analysis finds application in numerous domains —

Social Sciences Sociology, anthropology, psychology and education.

Humanities: History, literature and art history.

Business: market research, organizational studies and human resources

Healthcare: Health services research, patient experience and healthcare policy

Strengths of Qualitative Analysis

Qualitative research observations can offer depth and richness of response.

Adaptability: Can adjust to shifting conditions and surprise results.

Contextual understanding : It understands the context of phenomena coming into play.

Generative: Have the ability to generate new theories, hypothesis.

Quality of qualitative data that will become less than desired through direct observation 7.

Interpretation of qualitative data is subjective and may reflect the biases of the researcher.

Generalizability: Findings may be hard to generalize to other populations

It requires more time: Qualitative research is usually time-consuming.

Integrating qualitative and quantitative analysis enables researchers to better capture the complexity of a phenomenon.

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